ISIP Financing Landscape of Social Enterprises in the Philippines.jpg

Financing Landscape of Social Enterprises in the Philippines [1.1 MB]

Financing Landscape of Social Enterprises in the Philippines

JUNE 2021
Results and findings from the ISIP roundtable discussion with bankers and creditors.

Executive Summary

This knowledge product seeks to validate assumptions about social enterprise financing and inform on-going and future ISIP approaches that aim to bridge the financing gap of Filipino social enterprises. Findings show that social enterprises face numerous challenges in accessing finance due to the limitations of the financial market infrastructure such as limited supply of capital, unrefined business model, weak access to investors due to limited network, and limited track and performance record. These are further worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought about strict lockdowns and social distancing protocols affecting business operations.


Margarito B. Teves
Former Secretary
Department of Finance

Griselda (Gay) Gloria-Santos
Financial Inclusion Advocate

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